劇場版 ソードアート・オンライン -プログレッシブ- 冥き夕闇のスケルツォ オリジナル・サウンドトラック
- 品種:CD
- 商品番号:SVWC-70591
- 発売日:2022/10/21
- 発売元:(株)アニプレックス
- JAN:4534530138422
- ※画像はイメージです。実際の商品とは異なる場合がございます。
2022年10月22日公開『劇場版ソードアート・オンライン -プログレッシブ- 冥き夕闇のスケルツォ』のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。作曲家・梶浦由記による劇伴音楽を完全収録。 (C)RS
Disc01 | |
01.the battle begins | |
02.to the next stage | |
03.celebrating the victory | |
04.in a coffee shop | |
05.there’s something shining | |
06.a bonus to relic finding | |
07.relic hunting | |
08.Mournful Wraith | |
09.Sly Shrewman | |
10.I have to get it back! | |
11.I can’t give up now | |
12.someone’s coming | |
13.what are the two talking about? | |
14.that rapier is mine! | |
15.he is clad in black | |
16.now I got it back | |
17.it was all right now | |
18.a little sword fight | |
19.on the hill | |
20.preparing for a party | |
21.outwitting | |
22.guild flag | |
23.a small bit of tenderness | |
24.if we were together, we could... | |
25.now I’m going my own way | |
26.I can’t go with you | |
27.duel with me! | |
28.she was my true friend | |
29.we just have to get the flag | |
30.win, and advance | |
31.in front of the boss room | |
32.Fuscus the Vacant Colossus | |
33.together we can defeat it! | |
34.we can be friends again | |
35.this is the guild flag | |
36.who I should cry for | |
37.a toast and a raid | |
38.I have a special pendant | |
39.I will support you |