2020/08/28 15:10
トランプ政権の政策や公式声明を厳しく非難するツイートを3年前から毎日のように複数回投稿してきた彼女は、現地時間2020年8月25日の夜に行われたメラニア夫人のスピーチの際にも、「#beBest(メラニア夫人が推進する運動のタグ)が戻ってきたよ!超退屈!彼女って少しの言語で数単語だけ話せるんだよね。あの不法移民を壇上から降ろせ!」、「やれやれ、彼女はまだ英語が話せないんだね」などと投稿した。また、別のツイートでも彼女のことを“awful person”(ひどい人)などと呼び、「メラニアがあまりにも暖かみに欠けるから、今エアコンを弱くしなきゃならなかったよ」などと連投している。
Well, all hell has broken loose because I said Melania “still can’t speak English” last night. I was wrong to make fun of her accent. America is made up people who speak with all kinds of accents, and they are all welcomed always.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
#beBest is back! A UGE bore! She can speak several words in a few languages. Get that illegal alien off the stage!
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
#Melania took all the color out of the #RoseGarden but Don tried his utmost to bring some back with that greasy bronzer!
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
Why are they promoting this awful person, #melania? Was it in her contract? She says it feels like just yesterday they were at their first convention. Maybe to you, Mel. For the rest of us every day has been a horrible slog thru the 9th Circle of Hell. #beBust
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
Oh, God. She still can’t speak English.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
I’m surprised Trump wants to destroy the #PostOffice. He got all his wives from it.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
Melania lacks warmth so severely that I just had to turn my AC down.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020
Anodyne, anodyne, nothing but simple minded pablum. “I have to remind myself that I am very lucky.” I completely agree! You are one lucky Slovenian! And after all that surgery, you hit a kind of horrible jackpot, chained to an colossal idiot.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 26, 2020