2020/08/05 16:15
クイーン・ラティファは、トニーの「ポジティブな性格、友情、そして音楽」に感謝し、アンドレ・ボッチェリはイタリア沿岸沖の豪華なヨットから「ハッピー・バースデイ」をオペラ調に歌い、スティングはアコースティック・ギターで「The Way You Look Tonight」(今宵の君は)を「The Way You've Lived Your Life」と替え歌で演奏し、トニーのいつでも陽気な物の見方に敬意を示した。
A wonderful sketch from Bono for my birthday. Thank you! @U2 pic.twitter.com/DjRIxVuaZK
— Tony Bennett (@itstonybennett) August 3, 2020
Happy birthday, @itstonybennett! #TheBestIsYetToCome pic.twitter.com/WxnstRqScr
— Leslie Odom, Jr. (@leslieodomjr) August 3, 2020
Happy 94th birthday to my friend the legendary @itstonybennett 50 years ago you recorded #TheBestIsYetToCome and that message is as important today as it was 5 decades ago. Thank you for your positivity, friendship, and music pic.twitter.com/AggjZ8NkEF
— Queen Latifah (@IAMQUEENLATIFAH) August 3, 2020
Bellissimo @AndreaBocelli! Grazie. pic.twitter.com/LpOsWnkAQ2
— Tony Bennett (@itstonybennett) August 3, 2020
Happy birthday Tony! #TheBestIsYetToCome pic.twitter.com/feCv2p9hB0
— Sting (@OfficialSting) August 3, 2020
Thank you so much, Elton. Your optimism and energy is an inspiration to us all! The best is yet to come. https://t.co/bWLPOFLQEq
— Tony Bennett (@itstonybennett) August 3, 2020
To my good friend, @itstonybennett - Thank you for bringing the songs I wrote to such glorious life. Happy Birthday! Love, Billy Joel #TheBestIsYetToCome pic.twitter.com/GKtBIO07xY
— Billy Joel (@billyjoel) August 3, 2020
Thank you for your beautiful words and special birthday song, Stevie. It is an honor to call you my friend. https://t.co/5ekWbZeaxM
— Tony Bennett (@itstonybennett) August 3, 2020
@itstonybennett is 94 today! Happy Birthday, to a man who has enriched many lives, including mine and of course, all the kids who have attended the Frank Sinatra School of Perf. Arts, which he built and named for his dearest friend...proud to know you, Tony! #TheBestIsYetToCome
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 3, 2020
Happy Birthday @itstonybennett Wishing you good health, love and happiness for this new trip around the sun! And, like you sang, #TheBestIsYetToCome #HappyBirthdayTonyBennett https://t.co/UOMv6oNbjh
— Gloria Estefan (@GloriaEstefan) August 3, 2020
I received this wonderful birthday message from my dear friend @BarbraStreisand and wanted to share it with you all! pic.twitter.com/JkEvph5Div
— Tony Bennett (@itstonybennett) August 3, 2020
Happy Birthday @itstonybennett #TheBestIsYetToCome pic.twitter.com/pphnXJ5qsT
— Diana Krall (@DianaKrall) August 3, 2020
"Happy Birthday, @itstonybennett
— Elvis Costello (@ElvisCostello) August 3, 2020
You have made the world a better place and we will sit like this again, one day.
You are the best and #TheBestIsYetToCome
With much affection and respect. Elvis Costello". pic.twitter.com/3tHcQ0EFGe
Happy 94th Birthday, @itstonybennett ! Your music and art add such beauty to our world...it is truly inspirational to see how much joy you bring to people.#thebestisyettocome pic.twitter.com/fc5QdhRLUb
— The Chicks (@thechicks) August 3, 2020