2020/06/03 11:00
現地時間2020年6月2日、“Blackout Tuesday” (ブラックアウト・チューズデー)と#TheShowMustBePaused(ショーを中断しなければならない)のために米音楽業界がビジネスを休止し、多くのアーティストたちもこの運動に参加した。
音楽業界幹部のJamila ThomasとBrianna Agyemangによるこのイニシアチブは、「通常の業務から離れ、コミュニティと再び繋がる日」を呼びかけるとともに、「責任と変化を促すための早急な行動への一歩を踏み出す」ことを目的としている。今年2月にジョギング中に殺害されたAhmaud Arbery、3月に自宅で警察に殺害された救急救命士Breonna Taylor、そして先週、「息ができない」と訴える中、警察官に9分近くも首を押さえつけられて殺害された2児の父親ジョージ・フロイドなど、多くの黒人の命が犠牲になる事件が絶えないことを受けて、黒人コミュニティとの連帯を示すために発起された。
これを受けて、リアーナが「私たちは、ふざけたことは受け入れない(we ain’t buying shit)し、何も売らない」と自身のFentyブランドのビジネスを全て休止したほか、テイラー・スウィフト、ケイティ・ペリー、グリーン・デイ、リッキー・マーティン、ケリー・ローランド、クリスティーナ・アギレラ、アレハンドロ・サンス、レディオヘッド、ジェニファー・ハドソン、ビースティ・ボーイズ、ポーラ・アブドゥル、ザ・マーベリックス、アーミン・ヴァン・ブーレンなど、数え切れないほどのアーティストが、黒一色の画像や参加表明の声明をSNSへ投稿している。
we ain’t buying shit!!! and we ain’t selling shit neither!! gang gang! #BLACKOUTTUESDAY AF!!! @FentyOfficial @fentybeauty @SavageXFenty pic.twitter.com/XNC44Tegj5
— Rihanna (@rihanna) June 2, 2020
Chuck D (@mrchuckd_pe)がシェアした投稿 -2020年 6月月2日午前12時13分PDT
この投稿をInstagramで見るBlack Lives Matter #BlackoutTuesday
Taylor Swift(@taylorswift)がシェアした投稿 -2020年 6月月2日午前8時20分PDT
— Coldplay (@coldplay) June 2, 2020
#blacklivesmatter #blackout https://t.co/edAYtqjnkk
— Jennifer Hudson (@IAMJHUD) June 2, 2020
#blackouttuesday pic.twitter.com/bYVIF4ld1E
— Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue) June 2, 2020
#TheShowMustBePaused @pausetheshow pic.twitter.com/skOKEecZap
— Radiohead (@radiohead) June 1, 2020
#BlackOutTuesday pic.twitter.com/CQ9qHPuY6O
Tomorrow I will not be posting anything as I stand in solidarity and support with #BlackLivesMatter - as the music industry takes the day to reflect on how we can all work towards a better future. #TheShowMustBePaused pic.twitter.com/LfvA5CGr1w
— Christina Aguilera (@xtina) June 2, 2020
#TheShowMustBePaused#BlackOutTuesday#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/gP4GBwUNHi
— Alejandro Sanz (@AlejandroSanz) June 2, 2020
PS if you’d like to help …. text FLOYD to 55156 and donate to organizations like #BlackLivesMatter if you are able to. God Bless You ALL !!!! #TheShowMustBePaused
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) June 2, 2020
Foo Fighters are observing Blackout Tuesday to stand with the black community and our colleagues, artists, crews, fans and leaders fighting against injustice and racism. Text FLOYD to 55156 to sign the Justice for George Floyd petition. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/CREqTlHeOs
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) June 2, 2020
On Tuesday June 2nd, The Mavericks will join our musical colleagues in observing Black Out Tuesday. We call for justice for #GeorgeFloyd, and will continue to use our platform to speak the truth that #BlackLivesMatter... @monomundorecs #TheShowMustBePaused pic.twitter.com/LEdGae2N3f
— The Mavericks (@MavericksMusic) June 2, 2020
Tomorrow I am participating in #BlackOutTuesday alongside my music industry colleagues. We'll step back from social media & discuss, reflect and plan action against racial injustices. We must be held accountable to bring about change! #BlackLivesMatter #TheShowMustBePaused XoP pic.twitter.com/RqnVmue1q4
— Paula Abdul (@PaulaAbdul) June 2, 2020
— Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) June 1, 2020
In solidarity and observance of the #amplifymelanatedvoices movement, we will be refraining from posting content on this platform to create space to amplify the voices and experiences of Black people who need to be heard. Listen. Learn. #amplifymelanatedvoices #blacklivesmatter pic.twitter.com/Jiy0yJK50b
— Green Day (@GreenDay) June 2, 2020
#TheShowMustBePaused pic.twitter.com/fvrlqofJYs
— Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin) June 2, 2020
#blackouttuesday pic.twitter.com/A5NDad5VHE
— Armin van Buuren (@arminvanbuuren) June 2, 2020
I am joining the @pausetheshow initiative tomorrow and will be taking the day to unplug, reflect and focus on the actions we need to take to support the black community. This is not just a 24-hour initiative, this is just the beginning. #theshowmustbepaused #blacklivesmatter pic.twitter.com/uKwLm0dw3i
— Meghan Trainor (@Meghan_Trainor) June 2, 2020
#TheShowMustBePaused so we can all take a moment to show support. Links to support and contribute what you can: https://t.co/4nKYr8Y1Hs. Or text FLOYD to 55156 to sign the Justice for George Floyd petition. pic.twitter.com/EL1JwqHPUK
— Beck (@beck) June 2, 2020
Stay tuned this week for our own call to action. In the meantime, we didn’t want to stay quiet.
— Beastie Boys (@beastieboys) June 2, 2020
We'll forever stand with the black community, our fellow artists, fans and leaders fighting against injustice and racism.@ColorOfChange @NAACP_LDF @blackfutureslab @eji_org pic.twitter.com/016NvsNKe8
#GeorgeFloyd #ICantBreathe pic.twitter.com/exQ9lPbL9d
— DJ Jazzy Jeff (@djjazzyjeff215) June 2, 2020
#BlackLivesMatter #TheShowMustBePaused pic.twitter.com/TctGotRN5e
— The Beatles (@thebeatles) June 2, 2020
#TheShowMustBePaused pic.twitter.com/xlX5PT04LQ
— hayley from Paramore (@yelyahwilliams) June 2, 2020
Give what you can, please consider signing the petition, and go to the websites below to educate yourselves and others on what we ALL must do to end racial and economic injustice in America. It’s never too late to do the right thing. #blacklivesmatter (2/3)
— QOTSA (@qotsa) June 2, 2020
— Nile Rodgers (@nilerodgers) June 1, 2020
Due to recent events please join us as we take an urgent step of action to provoke accountability and change.
Join us on Tuesday JUNE 2 as a day to disconnect from work and reconnect with our community.#THESHOWMUSTBEPAUSED pic.twitter.com/Yqb3D2CRWz