2019/07/31 11:00
現地時間2019年7月29日、デフトーンズが主催する音楽フェスティバル【Dia De Los Deftones】の出演者が発表され、デフトーンズをはじめ、チャーチズ、デス・メタル・バンドのゴジラ、ラッパーのJPEGMAFIAなど、様々なジャンルのアーティストが出演することが明らかになった。
その後ジャスタは、「続報:Vでスペルするチャーチズをググった。マシュマロのマスクをしたやつと作った曲を、みんな気に入ってるみたいだから、きっとビッグなんだろうな。よかったな」、「楽器を演奏するバンド>トラック・アクト #事実」、さらにはブッキング・エージェントが有能なんだろう、などと皮肉を込めてツイートしていた。
Update: googled Churches w/ a v, they gotta be huge they did a song with a guy w/ a Marshmallow mask and people LOOOOOVE IT. Good for them.
— Jamey Jasta (@jameyjasta) July 30, 2019
Update: googled Churches w/ a v, they gotta be huge they did a song with a guy w/ a Marshmallow mask and people LOOOOOVE IT. Good for them.
— Jamey Jasta (@jameyjasta) July 30, 2019
I saw Gojira in Glasgow years ago and have seen Deftones three times so was excited when we got asked to be on the bill. Just because someone plays or listens to “pop music” doesn’t mean they don’t understand or appreciate other things. pic.twitter.com/NXlIQyXu3I
— Lauren Mayberry (@laurenevemay) July 30, 2019
I’m sure they’re lovely people and a popular group, I don’t agree with the line up order, same w/ other festivals, if anyone is butt hurt about my opinion wait til you hear the podcast! Metal needs to be shown more respect. Longer career, legacy, more albums, bill em higher
— Jamey Jasta (@jameyjasta) July 30, 2019
Bands that play their instruments > track acts. #Facts
— Jamey Jasta (@jameyjasta) July 30, 2019
Props to Chvrches booking agent though, that’s a gangster power move haha
— Jamey Jasta (@jameyjasta) July 30, 2019
haha some folks don’t like facts &/or they twist what I say, whatever. Diverse lineups are great but whoever u are, if your agent power moves u above a crusher, good luck! I remember (band I wont name) somehow got to play after FFDP in AZ, it was a BAD lol. Hasn’t happened since https://t.co/eoXi8p1tkB
— Jamey Jasta (@jameyjasta) July 30, 2019
It’s with great excitement that we announce the return of #DiaDeLosDeftones to Petco Park in San Diego, CA on November 2nd. Another diverse & incredible line-up of artists will be joining us for the second annual celebration of music and culture. Tickets on sale Friday @ 10AM PT. pic.twitter.com/KOZmOWdEtM
— Deftones (@deftones) July 29, 2019