2019/07/12 13:00


 スウェーデン当局に逮捕され、現在も拘留が続いているエイサップ・ロッキーについて、2~4週間は解放される見込みがなくなったことをマネージャーのJohn EhmannがSNSで報告している。


 収監が続くロッキーは、すでにノルウェーの【Kadetten Festival】をはじめ、ポーランドの【Open’er Festival】、アイルランドの【Longitude Festival】、そして英ロンドンの【Wireless Festival】の出演がキャンセルされている。今後も続くようであれば、ドイツの【Splash Festival】と【Melt Festival】、ウクライナの【Atlas Weekend Festival 】、ベルギーの【Dour Festival】と【Tomorrowland】、イタリアの【Carroponte】、スペインの【Sonar】にも出演できなくなる。

 マネージャーによると、エイサップ・ロッキーと関係者2名は、6月30日に現地の男性2名と口論の末けんかになり、7月2日にストックホルムの【Splash Festival】に予定通り出演したあとにスウェーデン当局に任意で出頭したところを逮捕された。




 エイサップ・ロッキーは、8月にも、カナダの【Beachclub】(8/3)や米カリフォルニア州アナハイムの【Real Street】(8/11)を含むいくつかのフェス出演が予定されているが、逮捕による影響は未定となっている。

◎John Ehmannによる投稿


Friends - We are currently in Stockholm where Rocky is being detained for operating in self-defense following an altercation that occurred on 6/30, when Rocky, his bodyguard and two performers were harassed and physically assaulted by a group of men in the area. The conditions of the facility are horrific and include 24/7 solitary confinement, restriction of amenities for the most basic of human functions, lack of access to life sustaining food as well as unsanitary conditions. Video footage shows the assailants following Rocky, while he pleads to them that he does not want any issues. Rocky volunteered to go to police for questioning. Rocky and his colleagues were arrested on-site. On the day of his arrest, I spoke with the U.S. Embassy Consult who informed me that his request to visit Rocky was rejected by police, which violates article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, to which Sweden is a signatory. Since, he has been allowed to visit with a U.S. Embassy Consult and attorney, but only in the presence of Swedish officials. It is troubling and worrisome that the laws are not being applied equally. Sadly, it appears the prosecutor in this case is looking for his own recognition by trying to make a name for himself based on Rocky’s global fame. On Monday, we filed an appeal with the Swedish Supreme Court to have Rocky released from the inhumane conditions and the clear violation of human rights. They rejected the filing, which means Rocky will remain in prison for two weeks. The prosecutor on the case has further communicated that he is working to receive an additional two week extension for a trial to begin in mid - to end of August. For a man that has not been proven guilty to go through these conditions, while visiting a country to headline their festival, is troublesome. To keep Rocky and his colleagues in jail is punishment before due process. Please support us by joining the #JusticeForRocky movement and sign our petition. Link in bio. Thank you for hearing our story and keeping it front of mind. JE

johnehmannさん(@johnehmann)がシェアした投稿 -

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