2018/02/20 15:00
2018年2月14日に米フロリダ州パークランドのマージョリー・ストーンマン・ダグラス高校で17人が殺害された銃乱射事件を受け、銃規制を求める高校の生徒たちが3月24日にワシントンD.C.で【March For Our Lives】(私たちの命のための行進)と銘打った抗議の行進を実施すると発表し、参加を呼びかけている。
Cameron good talking to you last night. All of your bravery is amazing. I stand with you guys. #march24 #marchforourlives https://t.co/oKG8MmhzaI
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) February 18, 2018
Thank GOD they put a brilliant young woman at the frontline of this conversation. GOD BLESS this woman & her brain and sense of justice. I️ commend you using your voice and being so REALL about wtf is really going on. Sending love to you and all the families #EmmaGonzales https://t.co/ZhyWbYeqUg
— Lauren Jauregui (@LaurenJauregui) February 18, 2018
never want to hear another adult talk condescendingly about millenials/young ppl ever again. face the hopeful, intelligent, unwavering presence of your future leaders of America. #MarchForOurLives #March24th https://t.co/rB9n3rzqXd
— hayley from Paramore (@yelyahwilliams) February 18, 2018
These Florida teenagers speaking truth to power are giving me all the hope right now.
— St. Vincent (@st_vincent) February 18, 2018
I know everyone has retweeted already but ... https://t.co/0IzlS1tM9k
— Idina Menzel (@idinamenzel) February 18, 2018
The Official Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund https://t.co/MwtFl8f3LH#MarchForOurLives
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) February 18, 2018
Let’s do it #MarchForOurLives #March24 https://t.co/jscdnoaz8m
— The Knocks (@theknocks) February 18, 2018
Students will create a “badge of shame” for politicians who take money from the NRA. #MarchForOurLives @Everytown @MomsDemand @GiffordsCourage https://t.co/RtdUfl9V4Q
— Julianne Moore (@_juliannemoore) February 18, 2018
On March 24, students are leading marches in DC & across the country to demand that lawmakers do their jobs and take action to prevent gun violence. Get involved: https://t.co/s57UYt3xRO#MarchForOurLives @Everytown
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) February 18, 2018