2022/01/28 16:00
さらに、このニュースを受け、Sirius XMがヤングの名前を冠した番組を再び限定で放送すると発表した。この番組では、ベテランのロック・ミュージシャンである彼の数十年にわたるキャリアから、独占的な話と音楽が紹介される。
Sirius XMの副社長兼音楽編成担当ゼネラル・マネージャーのスティーヴ・ブラッターは声明で、「今も創造性の頂点にいるアイコニックなアーティストを紹介する機会があるのならば、躊躇しないでやるべきです、再び。率直で、勇敢で、真の音楽アイコンであるニール・ヤングは、稀有なクラスのアーティストであり、彼のファンのために特別なオーディオ体験を作るために彼と協力できることを光栄に思います」と述べている。
We are three years into a pandemic, millions are dead & Spotify is supporting Joe Rogan - perhaps the single biggest superspreader of Covid misinformation in the . Coz he’s brings in the
— kate_the_khemist (she/her) (@katethekhemist) January 27, 2022
I’m cancelling my membership and you should too. #BoycottSpotify #Spotify #NeilYoung pic.twitter.com/fs0yXg8hxJ
I just deleted Spotify. Thanks #NeilYoung #BoycottSpotify
— Andie's Place(@AndiePlace) January 27, 2022
We’re deleting our Spotify! Thanks #NeilYoung, an incredible musician and great Canadian
who stands up for what is right! #BoycottSpotify— Suzanne Charest (@SuzanneCharest) January 27, 2022Goodbye @Spotify. You’ve chosen profits and greed over science, ethics and doing the right thing. #cancelspotify #Spotifydeleted #SpotifyPremium pic.twitter.com/zsNG2ur7nQ
— AngryBoomer (@stevelpetty) January 27, 2022
— Eugene Eugenius (@CrockerBoy) January 27, 2022
It's not about #CancelCulture - It's about how I choose to spend my time. I won't be choosing @Spotify.
If #JoeRogan is the hill you want to die on, (quite literally) then you're on your own... pic.twitter.com/wlFG1J7ftg
I’m deleting @Spotify. You should too. Vaccine disinformation is not cool. #DeleteSpotify #Spotifydeleted https://t.co/14HeH5bCTo
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) January 27, 2022
Can you imagine picking Joe Rogan over Neil Young for anything? Btw, you’re supposed to be a MUSIC service. Talk about selling out. #cancelspotify
— Gregory Horowitz (@GregoryHorowit5) January 26, 2022
Now I'm laying in bed seriously thinking I need to #cancelspotify because they chose Rogan over Neil Young. pic.twitter.com/ljnkI9n0JY
— Beck Roode (@BeckyRoode) January 27, 2022
I just canceled Spotify for supporting Joe Rogan.#BoycottSpotify #cancelspotify #DeleteSpotify
— Vet Squared (@EatBillionaires) January 27, 2022