2019/01/29 10:00
Billboard、人気雑誌『PAPER Magazine』をはじめ、i-D、『DAZED』、『Forbes』などが、Perfumeの【コーチェラ】出演を分析したり、静岡のエコパアリーナでのライブを絶賛。そして、そのライブが、どういう形でフェスのパフォーマンスになるのか、どのように各地のサイズにフィットした演出になり、世界を回るのかにも大きな注目をしている。
▼英字新聞『Japan Times』
のっち:今回のワールドツアーはアルバム『Future Pop』のツアーなので、日本でやったアリーナよりは小さなホールツアーにはなりますが、それでも、どうしたら同じメッセージ、同じパフォーマンスを海外でも伝えられるのか、常に考えています。
“Over the next two hours or so, Perfume work their way through a pulsating set of exhilarating EDM bangers and twinkling dance-pop singles, their display of innovative visual performance effects blowing my mind in the process: Dancing holograms and image-mapping! Synchronized shadow projections! Choreography interacting seamlessly with the screen behind them! Did I mention the lasers? I'm mesmerized. This really is the future of pop.”
(2時間程のコンサートでは、爽快でノリの良いEDMソングとキラキラしたダンス・ポップが混ざり合ったドキドキがとまらないセットリストが繰り広げられる。そして、その間ずっと、彼女達の革新的なビジュアル・パフォーマンスにぶっ飛びそうになる。ホログラムが踊り、イメージがマッピングされていく!そしてシルエットのプロジェクションが彼女達とシンクロする! 振り付けと彼女達の後ろにあるスクリーンに映し出されるイメージが一糸乱れずピッタリと合うのだ! レーザーの凄さにも言及しただろうか? とにかく、私は魅了され続けた。これは正にポップのフューチャーなのだ。)
“Their highly anticipated festival set will mark a turning point for J-pop in the West, as well as an international career high for a group already celebrated as phenomenons in the Eastern music market. It will be a major moment for Perfume, but also more largely, for Asian visibility in the U.S. music industry: The group's performance comes during the same year that BLACKPINK, one of Korea's fastest rising acts, will also take the stage as the festival's first K-pop girl group to grace the lineup.”
“At time of writing in January, Perfume have been announced on Coachella’s Sunday line-up, on the same billing as Ariana Grande, Khalid, and Bad Bunny. Watch out, Ariana: when it comes to Perfume, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in sleepy Kakegawa or a polo field in the Californian desert, every Perfume show is like Super Bowl Sunday. In 2039.”
“Perfume is an experience
Along with their precise choreography, the trio are known for putting on highly-stylized, futuristic performances that blend the ideas of "virtual" and "reality." They have worked extensively with Rhizomatiks, a Japanese digital effects company that gained worldwide attention after its work was featured during the 2016 Rio Olympics closing ceremony. The dynamic between Perfume's performances and songs have made them legends in the Japanese music world, and they regularly hold concerts in the country’s biggest venues.”
“And with their latest album Future Pop (released in August), they're pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a J-POP “girl group.” It's as if Grimes, Zedd, and CHVRCHES had a love-child.”
(8月にリリースされた最新アルバム「Future Pop」で、PerfumeはJ-POPガールズ・グループという枠をさらに広げ続けている。それはまるでグライムス、ゼッド、チャーチズが恋に落ちて生まれた子供のようだ。)
“Renowned for their music just as much as their sharply-defined choreography and their distinct, theatrical style choices that haven’t changed for years, Perfume’s exceeded the lifespan of most girl groups and grown beyond the youth-oriented J-pop scene to become one of the few Japanese acts capable of holding their own in the touring circuit internationally. ”
アルバム『Future Pop』
2019/02/13 RELEASE
<アナログ盤(Color Vinyl Clear/2LP)>
UPJP-9009/10 / 4,620円(tax out)
<アナログ盤(Color Vinyl Pink/2LP)>
UPJP-9011/2 / 4,620円(tax out)
<アナログ盤(Color Vinyl Green)>
UPJP-9013/4 / 4,620円(tax out)